8.3.2 Daily graph
By pressing the "↓" key in the text display, the LCD screen shows the daily graph.
The graph indicates the AC power trend of a specified date. Further
explanations are stated below:
Time axis (x-axis): The chart has a 12-hour span. The number on the horizontal
axis is the hour. The first recorded data of a day is plotted on the far left of the
screen. If production has lasted for more than 12 hours, press "
" first and then
press "→" and "←" to scroll the graph window. Press "
" again to stop scrolling.
Power axis (y-axis): From 0 to 12 kW. Each point represents the average
power in a period of 6 minutes.
Date: The date of the current
window is shown in the upper right corner.
Choose the required day by pressing "→" and "←"
8.3.3 Weekly graph
By pressing "↓" on the daily graph, the display switches to the "Weekly Graph"
as below. For further explanation, see below:
Time axis (X-axis): 7 days starting from Sunday. The point on the far left of the
window represents the energy production on Sunday.
Generated kWh (Y-axis): is the quantities are the energy in kWh of that
particular day ranging from 0 to 100kWh.
Week change: Press "←" and "→" to switch to the week required. The
corresponding dates on the upper-right corner can also be changed.
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