Pos : 16 /=== T echnisc he Dokumentation/C ORIO / D YN EO / MAGIO / PUR A/PURA LT /Befüllen-Entl eer en @ 1\mod_1457603497029_18.doc x @ 9401 @ 2 @ 1
20.4 Fill/empty
Do not fill with ferrous water. Rust formation also possible
with stainless steel; damage to e.g. JULABO test tube racks.
Do not fill with chlorinated (bleached) water. Pitting
corrosion possible.
Do not fill with distilled and deionized water. Corrosion in
the bath possible, even with stainless steel.
Do not fill with hard water. High lime content leads to
calcification in the bath.
Donot usecorrosive,or flammable bath fluids.
JULABO cannot accept any liability for damage caused by the use of
an unsuitable bath fluid.
Water bath protection products
The water bath protection product "Aqua-Stabil" is recommended to
combat algae, bacteria and fungus formation.
Order no.
8 940 006
6x 100 ml bottles
8 940 012
12x 100 ml bottles
Thermal hazards when opening the bath lid
Burns, scalds, hot steam, hot parts and surfaces which may be
Do not drain the tempering medium when it is hot.
Allow the temperature of the bath fluid to cool down to room
temperature before emptying.
The working height depends on the size and number of vessels to be
Fill the water bath only partially, insert the feed material and correct
the filling level if necessary.
Use bath lids to keep heat losses as low as possible, especially at
working temperatures above 60°C.