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System Voraussetzungen - System requirements
(Home Wi-Fi router & mobile device)
Network standard:
Wi-Fi band:
Password encryption: WAP/WPA2/WEP
Operation mode:
Android phone:
Apple iPhone or tablet: iOS 8.I or higher, iPhone5 or higher,
SUPERCOOK®,ist ein Warenzeichen oder eingetragene Warenzeichen der Supercook
Ltd. und Michael Roessler. - SUPERCOOK® is a trademark or registered trademark of
Supercook Ltd. and Michael Roessler.
Copyright 2016 by Supercook Ltd., Michael Roessler. Technial features can be changed
without prior notice.
802.II b/g/n
Repeater or Point to Point
v5.I or higher
iPad2, iPad Air2, ipad Mini2 or higher