Use the designations below.
C.A 5011
Supplied with a pair of leads with prods, 1 battery 9 V and this User's manual.
Accessories and spares
Carrying case (270 x 200 x 65 mm)
Shoulder bag (240 x 230 x 70 mm)
Carrying holster (220 x 180 x 75 mm)
Pair of leads with test probes (NF EN 61010)
Set of 10 fuses HBC 10 A - 6 x 32 mm
Set of 10 fuses HBC 1 A - 6 x 32 mm
Different measurement accessories widen the field of application or confer new
functions on your multimeter. Documentation on request.
NB : Always use accessories suited to the voltage and the over voltage category of
the circuit to measure (to NF EN 61010).
Our guarantee is applicable for three years after the date on which the equipment is
made available (extract from our General Conditions of Sale, available on request).