Channel Not Subscribed: The channel that you have requested is not included in your SiriusXM subscription package or the channel that you were listening
to is no longer included in your SiriusXM subscription package.- Visit or call 866-635-2349 if you have questions about your subscription
package or would like to subscribe to this channel.
Channel Locked: The channel that you have requested is Locked by the radio Parental Control feature. See page 10 for more information on the Parental
Control feature and how to access locked channels. Default Passcode is 0000.
If your KMC5 does not appear to be working, check the obvious things fi rst such as blown fuses, poor or incorrect wiring connections etc. If you're using an
amplifi er, check for incorrect setting of crossover switches and gain controls etc.
No Power? Press the SOURCE/POWER button and make sure the KMC5 is turned on. Check the +12V power wire, ground wire, and fuse(s) for power
and proper connection.
No or low output? Check the balance/fader controls on the KMC5. Check the speaker output connections. Power cycle the KMC5. Check the
volume of the audio source.
Reduced volume? Reverse a speaker connection from positive to negative on the stereo channel(s); if the volume improves, the speaker was out of phase.
Buttons/Device Unresponsive? Perform Factory reset.
Factory reset: Reset the KMC5 to factory default settings by pressing and holding the PLAY/PAUSE button for ten seconds.
Radio stations not being received? Check the antenna for proper connection and ensure the Tuner setting in the menu is set to the correct region.
If you have more questions about the installation or operation of your new KICKER product, see the Authorized KICKER Dealer where you made your purchase.
Please E-mail
[email protected] or call Technical Services (405) 624-8583 for unanswered or specifi c questions.