SDT International sa-nv
Bd de l'Humanité 415 • B-1190 Brussels (Belgium)
Tel: +32(0)2 332 32 25
SDT North America
1532 Ontario Street, Cobourg, ON
Phone: 1-800-667-5325 | 1-905-377-1313
▲: increase
- - : correct
▼: decrease
Red: too high
Green: correct
: too low
Ultrasound Solu ons
User manual
Open the battery compartment using the supplied screw-
driver. Correctly insert (+/-) two AA alkaline or rechargeable
batteries. The remaining battery level is displayed here.
The device can be powered through its USB port with an
external battery pack. It turns off automatically when the
battery power is insufficient to ensure proper operation, or
after 10 minutes of inactivity.
Connect the cable to the device by lining up the red dot on
the plug with the red mark on the connector and then
inserting the plug into the connector. To unplug them,
move-up the knurled barrel of the plug without any rotating
movement. Proceed in the same way to connect and unplug
the sensor to the cable.
The ' ID' and 'Sensor ?' messages indicate that an
incompatible sensor is connected.
Connect the headphones here .
The ON/OFF button is here .
Adjust amplification by using the up and down arrows and
following the amplification guidance icons .
When the RMS measurement is displayed in green, the
amplification is correctly set. When red, the amplification is
too high. When ''-.-'' is displayed, the amplification is too low.
The current amplification setting is displayed here .
Adjust the audio volume by pressing the left and right arrows
until the sound level is comfortable.
The current volume setting is displayed only when a
headset is connected.