Fuerza (Composite) Press De Cuerpo Completo; Inspección Y Mantenimiento Del Cable - True SC-1000 Manual De Usuario

Press de cuerpo completo composite
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Lubricate pivot bearing and linear bearings with lithium grease.
Daily Cleaning:
Wipe all machines with a water dampened cloth and dry completely. This includes painted parts, chrome plated parts
(except guide rods), plastic parts, and upholstered pads. It is important not to leave parts damp. This will increase the
potential for corrosion to occur.
Si determina que el equipo necesita asistencia técnica, asegúrese de que no sea utilizado accidentalmente y asegúrese de
If you determine that the equipment needs service, make sure that the equipment cannot be used inadvertently and ensure
Certain anti-bacterial cleaners and other harsh cleaning agents can induce corrosion on the machine components. These
que los demás usuarios sepan que el equipo necesita asistencia técnica.
other users know that the machine needs service.
solutions can also dry out and cause cracking and splitting on the upholstery.
*Para pedir partes o contactarse con un representante del Servicio técnico autorizado de TRUE, visite www.truefitness.com.
*To order parts or to contact a TRUE Authorized Service representative, please visit www.truefitness.com
Heavy Duty Cleaning:
Guide Rods (If Equipped): Clean and lubricate with a Teflon Spray. Be sure to coat the entire guide rod. Spraying
Una de las áreas más críticas que requieren una inspección frecuente en cualquier máquina de pesas es el sistema de cable
lubricant into the cap plate bushings is also recommended.
One of the most critical areas that require frequent inspection on any weight machine is the cable or belt system that lifts
o de cinta que levanta la columna de pesas si la máquina está equipada con esos elementos. Una rotura repentina de un
the weight stack if the machine is equipped with those items. Sudden failure of a worn cable can, in some instances, result
Chromed Adjustment Tubes: Wipe away dust and dirt before applying a Teflon spray lubricant. TRUE Fitness
cable desgastado puede, en algunos casos, dar como resultado una lesión en el usuario. Es responsabilidad de la instalación
in injury to the user. It is the responsibility of the facility to inspect the cables frequently.
recommends using TriFlow or a similar brand.
inspeccionar los cables frecuentemente.
Cables are components that wear over time. This means that the more often a piece of equipment is used, the greater the
Los cables son componentes que se desgastan con el tiempo. Esto significa que cuanto más se use una pieza del equipo,
Linear Bearings: Clean the linear shaft and lubricate (as required) with Teflon based grease. Keeping linear bearings clean
likelihood that cable wear will occur. This holds true for equipment made by any manufacturer and applies to urethane
mayor será la probabilidad de que ocurra el desgaste del cable. Esto es cierto para el equipo fabricado por cualquier
and lubricated is critical to long life and good performance.
belts as well as wire rope cables. Listed below are the areas of the cable that require inspection.
fabricante y se aplica a las cintas de uretano así como cables de acero. A continuación se enumeran las áreas del cable que
requieren atención.
*TRUE Fitness recommends that all cables be replaced on an annual basis to maintain the safety of all users.
Painted Frames: If you have scuff marks, grease or a heavy dirt buildup on frame components, start with a mild soap
*TRUE Fitness recomienda que todos los cables se reemplacen anualmente para mantener la seguridad de todos los usuarios.
solution or a diluted solution of a product such as Simple Green with a dilusion of 32:1. If you cannot remove the marks
Cable Wear:
using those methods, use a car polish/cleaner. DO NOT use solvents such as lacquer thinner, mineral spirits or acetone.
Desgaste de los cables:
For deeper scuff marks, use an automobile finish rubbing compound.
Inspect all cables for any signs of wear. Pay close attention to the cable in the area of the end fittings and attachment
Inspeccione todos los cables en busca de cualquier signo de desgaste. Preste atención al área de los terminales y a los
points. Inspect the areas around the pulleys and/or cams. Shown below are examples of cables that exhibit signs of
puntos de conexión. Inspeccione las áreas en torno a las poleas o levas. A continuación se muestran ejemplos de cables
Upholstery: For heavy duty cleaning, use a mild soap solution. This method should be sufficient in the majority of
que muestran signos de posible rotura. Si cualquiera de estas condiciones son evidentes, la máquina debe retirarse de
potential failure. If any of these conditions are apparent, the machine should immediately be taken out of service and
instances. In severe stain cases, you can use a solution of 5-10% household bleach diluted with water. Be sure to test an
inmediato del servicio y repararse. Asegúrese de usar solo cables suministrados por TRUE Fitness. NO use cables que
repaired. Be sure to use only cables supplied by TRUE Fitness. DO NOT use cables that have fittings attached with hand-
inconspicuous area first. DO NOT use chemical cleaners on the vinyl upholstery. You can also use a lanolin based hand
tengan accesorios sujetos con herramientas de prensado manual.
crimp tools.
cleaner to clean your upholstery. Wipe off after cleaning with a damp cloth and thoroughly dry. Plastic Parts: use a mild
soap solution to clean dirt and grease marks. Labels: use a mild soap solution to clean dirt and grease marks. Shrouds: use
Twisted Cable (Zig-Zag pattern):
Cable torcido (patrón en zig-zag):
a mild soap solution to clean dirt and grease marks.
Do not use any acidic cleaners. Doing so will weaken the paint or powder coatings and may void the TRUE Fitness
Warranty. Never pour or spray liquids on any part of the equipment. Allow the equipment to dry completely before using.
Break/Bend in Cable:
Rotura/doblez del cable:
Stretched Cable Covering:
Recubrimiento del cable estirado:
Truefitness.com / 800.426.6570 / 636.272.7100
True Fitness Technology • O'Fallon, MO • Teléfono: 800-426-6570/636-272-7100 • Truefitness.com
Truefitness.com / 800.426.6570 / 636.272.7100
Break in the Cable Cover:
Rotura en el revestimiento del cable:
Tear in the Cable Cover:
Desgarre en el revestimiento del cable:
Terminal de presión descolocado:
Crimp Connector Dislodged:
Fuerza (Composite)
Press de cuerpo completo
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