Reference Standards - Orbis CODITEL Manual Del Usuario

Idiomas disponibles

Idiomas disponibles

Sms syntax
The structure for all the commands is:
[password] [separator] [command] [separator] [parameter1] [separator]..[parameterN]
[password]  numerical field of a maximum of 8 figures
[separator]  comprised of one or more space characters
[command]  command recognised by the device
[parameter..]  series of parameters relative to the command
Password can be omitted if the command is imparted from a certified number
(admin or user).
Some commands can be give from the admin number only.
Several commands may be included in one text message. In this case, the commands
executed will only be those whose response is contained in a standard message (160
characters). To enter numbers with the decimal separator, you need to use a full stop.
The structure of a response to a command is similar to the command itself, with the
addition of the "=" symbol to indicate the current status. For example:
Set operation mode button (admin only)
A quick press of the button allows it to act on the output.
To define the mode of behavior output using the command:
OUTKEY [functionality] with functionality that can assume the values:
− RING 
it reacts as it does to a call when the key is pressed
the key switches the output ON/OFF in bistable mode
disables the key functionality (it is not possible to access programming
mode when in this mode)
If the value is omitted, the current instrument status will be the response.
The default setting is RING.
Enable/Disable caller number control (for admin only)
It is possible disable temporary the control of the caller number. In this way, everyone can
switch the outputwith a ring.
The command is:
with status that can assume the values:
− ON  controls the caller number to check whether it is enabled
− OFF  disable the control
If the value is omitted, the current instrument status will be the response.
Enable/Disable a caller response message (for admin only)
It is possible to send a text message confirming to the caller with the follow command:
RINGRISP [status] with status that can assume the values:
− ON  sends a text message confirming activation to the caller
− OFF  no confirmation text message to the caller
If the value is omitted, the current instrument status will be the response.
Setting the output mode after a ring (for admin only)
It is possible setting the output action mode in case of receive a ring from a certain
number with the command:
OUTRING [output status] [status permanence time] [time unit of measurement]
in which the parameters can assume the following values
− [output status]  ON, OFF, TOGGLE, DISABLE
-1) seconds (optional parameter)
− [status permanence time]  maximum (2
− [time unit of measurement]  s seconds, m minutes, h hours (optional parameter)
when ring, the output turn on
the relay is turned OFF for 10 seconds when the call is received
Setting the output status
It is possible command the output with the command:
OUT [output status][status permanence time][time unit of measurement], where
− [output status]  ON or OFF
− [status permanence time]  maximum (2
-1) seconds (optional parameter)
− [time unit of measurement] s seconds, m minutes, h hours (optional parameter)
output on
output OFF for 10 second
Setting the sending of a caller response message (for admin only)
It is possible sending a response message to the caller with the command:
OUTRISP [status] with status that can assume the values:
− ON  enables the sending of a text message in response to the caller
− OFF  disables the sending of a text message in response to the caller
If the status is omitted, the response will be the current instrument status.
Displaying the output status and the settings
It is possible to receive a message with the actual configuration of the instrument with the
follow command:
A possible answear could be the following:
Changing the output name (for admin only)
It is possible rename the output of the instrument with the command:
OUTTXT [output label]
OUTTXT porta
assigns to the output the name porta
A string of a maximum of 10 characters with no spaces can be assigned as a name.
To restore the original name, just write OUTTXT NO. If an alternative name is
defined for the output, this name can be used instead of OUT1.
For example:
valvola ON 10 M active output (valvola) for 10 minutes
Enabling the forwarding function (for admin only)
It is possible to receive the unkown commands in a specified number.
The command is:
FORWARD [number]
FORWARD 3331234567
If not modified, the number that receive the unkown messages is the admin.
FORWARD OFF disabled this function.
The sms that are send from the instrument beginning with "FW: ".
Password management (for admin only)
It is possible to change the protection password of the instrument, useful in case of command
with number not certified.
The command is:
PASS [new password] with new password with a maximum of 8 figures
PASS 11223344
Sms power fail alert (only admin)
CODITEL permits to the admin number to receive a sms if the power supply switch off or if the
battery charge is low.
The command is:
POWERFAIL [status] with status that can assume the state:
− ON  send to admin a text message when the power supply switch on or off or low battery
− OFF  disabled the function
The device will send to the admin number the follow messages:
ALARM: POWER=OFF  means failure power supply
ALARM: POWER=ON  means supply restoration
ALARM: BATTERY=LOW  means low battery level
Synchronising the clock (for admin only)
In the case of an extended blackout - longer than the battery charge – the values of date and
hour are lost. These values can be reset either automatically or manually.
It is possible to synchronise the date and time of the instrument sending the command:
If this command is not carried out, the instrument substitutes date and time with "--.--.-- --:--"
It is also possible to link this command to the end of any command text message.
For example:
In this case, the CODITEL sets the date and time when the power supply returns, without user
To do this, after installing and configuring the parameters, specify the number of the inserted
SIM card with the command:
NSIM [number]
where [number] is the telephone number of the SIM card inserted in the CODITEL
Assigning system name (for admin only)
It is possible to assign a name to the plant where the CODITEL is installed.
In this way, each alarm text message or reply from the CODITEL will be headed by its
given name.
The command is:
NAME [name system]
A name with a maximum string of 20 characters can be assigned.
To cancel write:
NAME disabled
Count sms sent (for admin only)
You can check the number of text messages sent by the tool with the command:
The instrument responds to the sender with a text message containing the number of SMS
sent (in count includes both sms sms alert that the response to commands).
NSMS RESET lets you reset the counter.
The reset cancels all data and parameters saved and restore the default parameters (see
relative box).
To do a reset, proceed as follow:
➢ Turn off the instrument pressing key "SET" as described in the section "TURN ON/OFF
➢ Press the key "SET". The led relative to the output will illuminate for a few seconds.
Waiting for it goes out and press again the key "SET" shortly in 3 seconds.
The led will flash a pair of times indicating that the reset occured.
Defaut parameters:
Relay output status
ADMIN number
USER numbers
Caller control
Automatic call answer
Response to sms commands
Forward unknown sms
Advise power fail


Conformity to the EU directive:
1999/5/EC R&TTE
is declared in reference to the Harmonised Standards:
EN 60950-1
EN 301489-1, EN 301489-7
Not defined