3. Pull the film forward until approximately 10 cm (4 in.) is on the in-feed table.
If the film has a release liner:
Peel off the release liner.
Pull the release liner up and stick it to the scrap core on the wind-up shaft.
4. Stick the leader panel to the film.
5. Feed the panel into the nip using slow mode.
6. Refit the image guide.
7. Stick the front end of the image to the leader panel or butt up the next panel
During processing:
Check and adjust the tension on the unwind- and wind-up shafts.
Check and adjust the pressure setting while feeding through the leader board and
Now speed can be set to normal.
Upper and lower section
A leader panel is needed of the same thickness as the images or panels to process.
For thin images use the leader panel provided
Figure 18: Upper and lower section webbed.
The film in the upper section is webbed first
1. Remove the image guide.
2. Feed the film underneath the splitter bar (between splitter bar and upper roller)
Pressure sensitive film (without a release liner) from the top unwind shaft must be
fed over the splitter bar.
3. Pull the film forward until it almost reaches the in-feed table and apply it to the upper
If the film has a release liner:
Peel off the release liner
Pull it up and stick it onto the cylinder on the wind-up shaft.