Adjusting for spacing
There is no adjustment for spacing. However, if a key
gauge assembly is ever replace, the key gauge must be
fitted to the machine after it has been installed. To do
this, first install a pattern key and key blank and align
these against the cutter guide and cutter. Then lower the
key gauge and file the appropriate finger of the gauge to
allow contact with the shoulder of both keys.
Adjust the Carriage Stop
The purpose of the carriage stop is to prevent the cutter
from hitting into the right vise jaw. The stop is a nut and
bolt and is adjustable. To check the adjustment, raise
carriage (without keys in vise jaws) and rotate the cutter
by hand. The cutter should not contact the vise jaw.
When the carriage stop is properly adjusted, there
should be a space of .008" between the vise jaw and the
cutter (this is about the thickness of an ordinary busi-
ness card). Do not allow a greater distance since this
may affect the depth of cut.
Your machine should be kept clean of all filings and
dust. The most critical areas are the carriage jaws and
shafts. A one inch paint brush is ideal to brush these
areas of the machine. The shafts should be wiped peri-
odically with a lightly oiled cloth. We suggest brushing
the jaws often as even a single filing can alter the accu-
racy of the machine.
Lubrication Intervals
Lubricating of moving parts is important. An oil cup is
provided to keep the cutter shaft bearings well lubricat-
ed (5-7 drops of 3-in-1 or lightweight spindle oil in the oil
cup is sufficient.) The carriage spindle should be lubri-
cated with a thin film of oil and wiped free of chip build
up. The lubrication procedures should be performed
every 2-3 weeks depending on usage. The motor
required lubrication on an annual basis. See motor label
for details.