Referencias De Hematología Veterinaria - Abaxis VetScan HM5 Manual Del Usuario

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A.5 Referencias de hematología veterinaria
"Schalm's Veterinary Hematology," 5a ed.,
Feldman, Bernard, et al, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2000.
"Veterinary Hematology, Atlas of Common Domestic Species,"
Reagan, William, et al, Iowa State Press, 1998.
"Veterinary Laboratory Medicine, Interpretation & Diagnosis," 3a ed.,
Meyer, Denny & Harvey, John, Elsevier Press, 2004.
"A Guide to Hematology in Dogs & Cats,"
Rebar, Alan, et al, Teton New Media, 2002.
"Automated Blood Counts & Differentials, A Practical Guide,"
Bessman, J David, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1986.
"Hematology Techniques & Concepts for Veterinary Technicians,"
Voigt, Gregg, Blackwell Publishing, 2000.
Introducción a la Hematología Veterinaria

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