Mando a distancia 2 canalesMando a distancia 4 canales
Channel 1
Channel 2
Channel 3 *
Channel 4 *
Settings, channel/scene
Parameter name
Local Operation
Manual commissioning
Sum status / transmission re
Channel 3 and 4 are only for 4channel handheld transmitters
6.4 Garantía
Reservado el derecho a realizar modificaciones técnicas y formales en el producto, siempre y
cuando sirvan para adaptar el aparato a los avances técnicos.
Prestamos garantía dentro del marco de las disposiciones legales.
Le rogamos envíe el aparato con una descripción del fallo a nuestro servicio central de aten
ción al cliente.
Rocker switch, scene
Basic setting: Rocker switch
Rocker switch, scene
Basic setting: Rocker switch
Rocker switch, scene
Basic setting: Rocker switch
Rocker switch, scene
Basic setting: Rocker switch
Setting options, Basic set
On, Off
Basic setting: On
On, Off
Basic setting: On
On, Off/Transmit 2x...11x,
Off/Transmit 4x (without con
Basic setting: On
Setting the buttons of the
channel as channel buttons
(rocker switch) or scene but
tons (scene).
Setting the buttons of the
channel as channel buttons
(rocker switch) or scene but
tons (scene).
Setting the buttons of the
channel as channel buttons
(rocker switch) or scene but
tons (scene).
Setting the buttons of the
channel as channel buttons
(rocker switch) or scene but
tons (scene).
Blocks the device channel for
local operation.
Blocks manual commissioning
for the device channel.
Note: In the "Off" setting, the
device cannot be reset to the
factory setting.
On: The transmitter evaluates
the received status messages
and displays them as an ove
rall status. If individual status
messages fail, then the trans
mitter will repeat its telegram
up to three times. Off/Transmit
x times: The evaluation and
display of the overall status is
deactivated. The number of te
legram repetitions is prescri
bed. In this setting, no trans
mission errors are displayed.
Off/Transmit 4x (without con
nection): Reserved for sensors
which transmit without a con