4 Installation
Routing the capillary
The capillary must not be routed too closely to sources of cold or heat.
The capillary must be protected from any possible damage.
Kinking or interruption of the capillary leads to permanent failure of the device.
Minimum bending radius:stainless steel capillary 50 mm
Copper capillary 5 mm
Sensor installation
The temperature probe must be installed so that its "active part" (marked as the
length "L") is completely submerged in the medium to be measured, otherwise
measurement errors will occur. The temperature distribution in the medium to be
measured must be considered when choosing the installation location for the tem-
perature probe. When using thermowells, the heat transfer resistance between the
outside wall of the probe and the inside wall of the protection tube can be reduced
by filling with a thermal contact agent.