Selector assembly: Finda parts preparation
Selector assembly: SuperFINDA probe
Insert the M3nS nut into the marked opening on the front of the selector.
Insert the SuperFINDA sensor into the corresponding opening in the selector.
Adjust the position of the sensor so that it ends flush with the top inner surface of
the D-shaped opening on the side of the selector.
Ensure the sensor's bottom part is aligned perfectly in the D-shaped opening.
Even though the SuperFINDA sensor's height might need further adjustment,
this is usually a good starting point.
Fija la sonda en su sitio con un tornillo M3x10. Aprieta el tornillo justo para que la
sonda ya no se pueda mover.
Avoid over-tightening the screw; if SuperFINDA is securely held in place, that's
5. Montaje del selector
Ensamblaje Original Prusa MMU3
Para los siguientes pasos, por
favor prepara:
SuperFINDA sensor (1x)
Your sensor might look slightly
different if you are re-using the
older FINDA sensor. But don't
worry, it will work just as good.
M3x10 screw (1x)
M3nS nut (1x)