4.2.2 Advanced Menu
Wake on LAN: Enable/Disable integrated LAN to wake the system.
Serial ATA HDD: It will show AHCI SATA HDD info.
NVMe Device: It will show NVMe Device info.
Intel Virtualization Technology: When enabled, a VMM can utilize the
additional hardware capabilities provided by Vanderpool Technology.
RAID mode reminder:Please update strip size in BIOS to 128K in order for
RAID to optimize performance.
Keyboard BackLight Features : Light Effect [Disabled/Breathing/Wave/
Rainbow/Marquee/Raindrop]Select keyboard light mode when power on.
OverClocking Feature: Performance Menu for Processor and Memory.
Core Voltage Offset: [50] Specifies the Offset Voltage applied to the IA Core
domain. This voltage is specified in millivolts. Uses Mailbox MSR 0x150,
cmd 0x11. Range -500 to 500 mV.
Offset Prefix [+/-]
Thunderbolt(TM) Support : [Enabled/ Disabled]