Create a plaster model from the diagnostic socket. Be sure to keep the alignment of the
diagnostic socket.
Vacuum-form the flexible socket:
Heat a sheet of Orfitrans Extra Soft thermoplastic for 16 minutes at 300° F (150° C), flipping
the sheet halfway though. (Time and temperature may vary depending on your oven.)
Use talcum powder to lubricate heat-resistant gloves and thermoplastic.
Avoid creating a texture on the thermoplastic with the gloves or other fabrication aids.
Allow the thermoplastic to cool completely under vacuum.
2. Draw the trim line onto the flexible socket.
3. Draw a second line approximately 1" (2.5 cm) above
the trim line that was just drawn. Cut at that line
and discard the excess material.
Make sure the surface of the flexible socket is
smooth, with no glove prints.
Confirm that the thickness of the flexible socket is
3/16–1/4" (4.5–6 mm).
4. Make a mark on the flexible socket approximately
2–2 1/4" (5-5.7 cm) from the most distal trim line of
the posterior shelf.
Transfer this mark around the entire circumference,
perpendicular to the limb axis.
DO NOT CUT. This line will be used to indicate the
placement of the One Sleeve Dummy.
Trim line
1" (2.5 cm)
Cut here
2–2 1/4"
(5–5.7 cm)