Quick User Guide – Rasther PC
Produzido por Tecnomotor Eletrônica do Brasil S/A - REPRODUÇÃO PROIBIDA - Eventuais erros ou defeitos favor comunicar
Before start using Rasther, it will be necessary to install the program Rasther PC,
to enable carmakers acquired along with the equipment and then update the
program Rasther PC.
To enable automakers you will need to use a computer connected to the Internet.
Please, follow the procedure below before using your equipment.
Install Rasther PC
The Rasther PC installation program can be found on the CD "Manual de
Operações e Software Rasther PC", that accompanies the Rasther, or on
Tecnomotor's site.
Run the program Rasther PC and follow the installation procedure.
Enable Automakers
Connect the Rasther to an external power supply that came with the equipment.
Connect the Rasther to a computer using the USB cable that came with the
equipment, as shown below.
Make sure that your computer is connected to the internet.
Run the program Rasther PC using the icon that was created on the desktop of
your computer after installing the software.
Click "Configuration" and then click "Auto Enable", as shown below.