en-US | 4 | Updating the Tool | TPA 300
Updating the Tool
Step 1 Install Software
The TPMS Tool Software is located on the
USB drive included in the kit. Insert the USB
Drive into the PC's USB port.
*Use Windows 7 or newer for this application*
Step 3 Open Software
After the installation is complete, a
shortcut icon will appear on the desktop.
Double-click the icon to open TPMS Tool.
Step 5 Update Tool
A pop-up will appear. Click Full Update.
If this window does not appear, click the
Update button at the top left of the screen.
1699502722 | REV. A | FEBRUARY 2020
Update software can also be downloaded from
Step 2 Install Software
On the drive, open TPMS Tool.exe and
follow the on-screen instructions to install
the update software.
Step 4 Plug tool into PC
Once open, connect the TPMS tool to a
PC with the USB cable included in the kit.
Step 6 Update in Progress
The tool will begin the update process.
Allow 15-20 minutes for the tool to
update. DO NOT unplug the tool while