5. Pass the Earth Wire G through
the plastic band and connect it
to (–) terminal of the battery.
6. Install the IC Relay F to the
Turnsignal relay housing same
way as the standard Turnsignal
Installation of front LED turnsignal
(Do the same operation for right
and left side)
1. Remove the standard Front
(Refer to DL650A service man-
2. Install the Bracket C, standard
plate (removed in step 1),
Washer E, and Nut D into the
LED Turnsignal A.
Then, connect the Lead Wire B
to the LED turnsignal A.
Connect the Earth Wire G to
Connect the Earth Wire G to
(–) terminal of the battery
(–) terminal of the battery
LED Turnsignal A
LED Turnsignal A
Lead Wire B
Lead Wire B
Install the IC Relay F
Install the IC Relay F
Bracket C
Bracket C
Washer E
Washer E
Nut D
Nut D
Standard plate
Standard plate