In addition, the CardioMessenger contains a radio
modem that connects to the cellular network at the
frequencies of 850/900/1800/1900/1900 MHz. BIOTRONIK
uses the radio modem in accordance with the manufac-
turer's specifications and in compliance with the
approval requirements.
The radio modem has been evaluated and approved
by an independent authority for its compliance with the
statutory regulations. As an indication of this, it carries
the following approval mark
Electromagnetic compatibility
Note: The CardioMessenger is protected from distur-
bances resulting from electromagnetic interference,
electrostatic discharges, and other sources of interfer-
ence – including interference induced by wiring. At the
same time, interfering electromagnetic emissions from
the CardioMessenger have been minimized. The Cardio-
Messenger therefore meets the requirements of
EN 60601-1-2 in every respect.
Note: Other equipment, for example portable and mobile
RF radiocommunications equipment, may also interfere
with the CardioMessenger, even if this equipment
complies with CISPR emission requirements. However,
this possible interference does not affect the function-
ality of the device.