Remove the screws at each end of the Flame
Spreader, tilt toward you, and pull the spreader out of
the front slot in the Grill Box.
Use a 1/2" deep-well socket to remove the Grill hood
The LP orifice is a #59 drill (stamped "59"), which is
sized to produce 12,000 BTU/hr. [3.51 kW], using
Propane Gas.
English 8
Pre-adjust the burner's air shutter to approximately
75% closed (approximately 0.20" opening) position and
re-tighten screw(s) using a 1/4" nut driver or wrench.
After the orifice conversion, gas leak check, and re-
setting of the grill burner, check that the Hot-Surface
Ignitor (HSI) spacing to the burner is within the
distance ranges shown, for the following two types of
ignitors used with Grill models.