The poker has a plug to connect the vibrating pokers.
1. Connect the converter to the electrical supply, ensure that the connection is correct (speci¿ cation and condition of cable according
to standards of security).
2. Switch on the converter, connect the poker and it is ready to switch on.
3. To disconnect, ¿ rstly switch off the vibrating pokers and then stop the converter with the switch.
4. Finally remove the converter plug from the electrical supply.
Connection possibilities:
Make sure the total current (A) does not exceed the out put current speci¿ ed in the electrical characteristic of the converter.
Use three phase cables with the appropiate plugs. If in doubt, consult a quali¿ ed electrician.
DO NOT use damaged or worn out cables.
AVOID heavy loads on the cables.
1. Choose the right size of poker for: the size of the job, the spacing of reinforcement, slump of the concrete and the mix design.
2. It is recommended to have an additional concrete vibrator available.
3. Pour the concrete evenly, into the form work, in 300-500 mm thick layers.
Do not use the poker vibrator to spread the concrete.
4. Vibrate the concrete systematically. Make 300-500 mm vertical insertions at
intervals of 8 - 10 times the tube diameter. Where possible, push the poker
vibrator about 150 mm into the previous layer of the concrete, this will help obtain
the best level of bonding between the two layers.
The concrete has been thoroughly vibrated when the surface around the poker
is shiny and no large air bubbles rise to the surface of the concrete. This normally
takes 10 - 20 seconds at each location of the poker.
5. Withdraw the poker slowly so that the concrete can À ow into the void left by the
6. Do not push or force the vibrator against the reinforcement. Keep a distance of
70 mm minimum from the walls.
7. Always remove the poker vertically, so the concrete ¿ lls the empty space again.
Do not switch off until the poker is withdrawn. The speed of removal is approximately 80 mm per second. When the vibrator is
almost out, extract quickly to avoid shaking the surface.
Do not keep the concrete vibrator out of the concrete during long periods. If you have stopped vibrating
the concrete, turn the poker off.
The poker is not working
The poker works correctly but it overheats
The poker works slowly and it overheats
The motor is noisy
Troubleshooting Guide
Cause / Solution
1. Verify if there is current
2. Plug in bad conditions
3. Defective switch
4. Connections in bad conditions
1. Check the poker in not working out of concrete
2. Verify the output voltage of the converter
3. Bearing in bad condition or without grease.
1. Verify the out put voltage and frequency of the converter
2. The poker motor might work with two phases
3. Check the speci¿ cations of the extensions cables
1. Bearing are not in good conditions