• "moDul" Enable/disable Modulation of flow temperature depending on the room temperature and external tempe-
rature value (with external sensor connected). (with room Sensor enabled). A value equal to 1 indicates enabling of
delivery setpoint modulation; a value equal to 0 indicates disabling.
The above value can be modified with the buttons +/-
note: refer to the summary table of possible amBon and moDul combinations.
Combination table between aMBon and moDul functions:
• "hW pr" Enabling the DHW programmer (only for boilers connected to an external hot water tank). Factory setting 1.
• 0: Disabled
• 1: Always enabled
• 2: Enabled with DHW weekly program ("HW PR" refer to section 3.7)
• "noFr*" Frost protection Enabled/Disabled (1/0). Factory setting 1.
WarninG: this value must be always enable (1).
• "cool"
Summer temperature control Enable/Disable (factory set = 0). By setting this parameter = 1 the function is
enabled and a new boiler operation mode "SUMMER+COOL" is available. This function is added to the ones descri-
bed on section 3.2 of the "instructions for the user" manual: suMMer - Winter - Summer+cool - heatinG
only - off.
To enable the function, presss the
aim of this function is to enable the remote control to adjust the room temperature in summertime by controlling one
or more external cooling devices such as a condition machine. In this way, the boiler relay card enables the external
condition system when the room temperature is higher than the remote control temperature set value.
When the function operates, the display shows the
See the following figure and refers to the SErVICE instruction manual.
See Service Instruction.
inStructionS Pertaining to the inStaller
Buttons Function +/-
room temperature adjustment (modulating flow temperature)
with external sensor :
KREG curve adjustment
without external sensor : Calculated flow temperature adjustment.
(It is advisable to set MODuL = 0).
Flow temperature adjustment
room temperature adjustment (fixed flow temperature)
button until the display shows the
symbol flashing.
19.2 additional information
symbol on the right side of the hour. The
- GB